
Avanti uppmärksammas i dansk studie

Avanti uppmärksammas som ett gott exempel i en dansk studie gjord av Center för udsatte flygtninge i Danmark

Avanti uppmärksammas som ett gott exempel i en dansk studie gjord av Center för udsatte flygtninge i Danmark. De landar ner i följande slutsatser:

  • The interdisciplinary cooperation must be anchored at the management level of those actors who provide personnel for the project.This contributes positively to uniform messages from leaders to employees down through the lines in the organisations involved and allows each organisation to assume its share of the responsibility.
  • A shared physical location supports the holistic perspective and the interdisciplinary cooperation and has decisive significance for the quality of the initiative.
  • Close dialogue and follow-up are crucial for participants to understand the objective and meaning of the initiative and make them capable of taking ownership of their own process. ?
  • Extra time and tailored language courses can eventually lead to the same results for refugees with trauma as in the regular language training system. ?
  • The holistic perspective is challenged by the long waiting list for treatment by the Red Cross.

Läs hela rapporten här!



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